Phil 101H: Precision and Messiness in Philosophy

Ordinary talk is full of ambiguity and vagueness.

Mathematics tends towards being much more precise and rigorous, with many terms explicitly defined. Sometimes these terms are made up for mathematical use, such as “homomorphism.” Other times, they are terms that already have some meaning (or several meanings) in everyday talk, but in mathematics they are co-opted for a specific, explicit purpose, that may be only loosely inspired by the everyday meaning. Some examples of this are words like “lattice” and “compact.”

In everyday talk a “lattice” might be a fence pattern like this. In mathematics it has more specific meanings.

However, although mathematics is definitely more precise and explicit than ordinary, everyday talk, it still ends up being messy. This might not be surprising, given how many different people contribute to mathematics over so many years.

When it comes to definitions, philosophy often tends towards the mathematical model. Sometimes it’s just as explicit and precise as mathematics, sometimes it’s just loosely headed in that direction. This can often be philosophically useful.

It’s important to realize though that the kinds of messiness described in mathematics all show up in philosophy too, even more often and making more of a mess.

Sorry about all this. It does makes philosophy harder to learn. But I think it’s better to acknowledge it, and help you see where it’s happening, than to paper it over and pretend it’s not going on.

The alternative would be for your teachers to choose one of the definitions, either the one they like best, or that’s used in the textbook they’re using, and just declare that this is the official definition of a term like “substance”, or “physicalism”, or “reduction,” or what have you. But then sooner or later you’re going to come across some other philosopher working with a different “official” definition. And it can then be confusing what’s going on. Until you get enough experience to figure out what I’ve told you above.